Tag: education

  • 3 Methods Of Self-Education Explored

    3 Methods Of Self-Education Explored

    In our fast-paced modern world, the traditional boundaries of education—classrooms, and textbooks—are no longer the sole avenues for learning. While institutional education still holds value for many, it’s not accessible to everyone due to location, financial constraints, or personal situations. Thankfully, we find ourselves in a time where information is more accessible than ever, leveling […]

  • Video Games And Education For Children

    Video Games And Education For Children

    There has been a debate between people about the effect of video games on children players for a long time. Some people believe that they are extremely advantageous in education while others that they are harmful to people who play them, especially to school-age children. In my opinion, playing video games will create certain benefits […]

  • 3 Benefits Of Studying Abroad

    3 Benefits Of Studying Abroad

    Studying abroad—also known as overseas education—is a common term that indicates going to a foreign country to receive an education. Students usually go overseas to obtain K12 programs undergraduate or post-graduate degrees. Why do so many students aspire to study in a different nation? What makes studying abroad appealing to students? All answers will be […]

  • Education And Gender Equality

    Education And Gender Equality

    “Until we get equality in education, we won’t have an equal society.” Sonia sotomayor Gender inequality has long been a serious problem in countries around the world where the rights and roles of women are being underestimated. Therefore, society has raised questions about the role of education in solving this problem and issues related to […]

  • Who Deserves The Prize?

    Who Deserves The Prize?

    “The prize cannot be won without effort.” Latin Proverb Have you ever looked at the top performers receiving awards and felt jealous that the school should have awarded the prizes to those who made the most progress? Most people’s answer would be: YES, which is understandable because they assume that the people who make the […]

  • Homeschooling – Better Or Worse?

    Homeschooling – Better Or Worse?

    Since the dawn of civilization, it is undoubtedly imperative that young generations are well-educated to contribute to their nations. Therefore, how to provide the best education quality for students still lingers. Therefore, in this day and age, learning at school has been a hot topic of debate when many people wonder about its quality and […]

  • Can Robots Replace Teachers?

    Can Robots Replace Teachers?

    With the prevalence of the COVID-19 pandemic, students and teachers are now adopting distance learning as one primary teaching method. Some scientists and scholars have started raising the question of whether this pandemic has facilitated the replacement of teachers with technological advancements and whether soon robots or Artificial Intelligence (AI) can take over the educational […]

  • Does Family Background Affect Student’s Academic Performance?

    Does Family Background Affect Student’s Academic Performance?

    Children’s performances at schools are indirectly and directly influenced by their family background. It is crucial to understand how family backgrounds impact students’ achievement because only by taking into account this factor can we reinforce current policies regarding education, especially “Equality in Education”. The term “Family background” refers to the socio-economic status of a household, […]

  • Is Student-Centered Classroom exclusive to “Rich” Students?

    Is Student-Centered Classroom exclusive to “Rich” Students?

    The model of student-centered classrooms in which students can take the initiative and get involved in the lesson is receiving more recognition and adoption globally as it has become a cornerstone in the future of the educational systems. However, it is said that classrooms that focus on learners are only available for the privileged and […]

  • Is It True That The Rich Are Growing Richer, And The Poor Are Growing Poorer?

    Is It True That The Rich Are Growing Richer, And The Poor Are Growing Poorer?

    In this day and age, the problem of class distinction between the rich and the poor is becoming more and more serious. Each class has its prejudice and one-sided view of the other when they see other people’s problems with their personal views. Therefore, the question of whether the poor can only get poorer and […]