
What Is Educational Psychology And Its Importance In The Learning Process?

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Capturing and understanding human psychology is very important no matter what industry you work in or your position in the company. Whether you are a boss or an employee, understanding the psychology of others not only helps you gain people’s love and succeed at work but also helps you achieve your goals. This also works in education, which is why we need to understand and learn about educational psychology.

Based on the website “Verywell mind,” educational psychology involves studying how people learn, including teaching methods, instructional processes, and individual differences in learning. The goal is to understand how people learn and retain new information.

Each student has different strengths and weaknesses as well as different mindsets. Therefore, learning and understanding educational psychology will help teachers find the most suitable teaching method for each student in the learning process.

Here are some of the reasons why educational psychology is essential:

  • It helps a teacher to choose how to begin the learning process, how to inspire students, and how to memorize or learn. For instance, with children who enjoy watching cartoons and reading comic books, teachers should avoid transmitting knowledge by forcing them to read thick and wordy books. Instead, teachers can show them animated videos or pictures that contain the knowledge they need to learn. At that time, children can not only enjoy learning but also absorb knowledge faster and achieve high results in tests.
  • It provides information to a teacher on the nature of the students and their abilities and aids an instructor in adapting his learning approaches to the learner’s nature/demand. For example, instead of forcing a child who cannot learn math to study complex subjects such as math, physics or chemistry, teachers can try other subjects to find the subject in which the child has potential like art or music. From there, they can notify parents for that student to study subjects that are suitable for the child’s ability and discover new potentials for the child.
  • It aids a teacher in the development of a student’s personality since the entire educational process is geared toward the development of a student’s personality. For example, students may get bad grades or refuse to study because they hate their teachers, before criticizing or scolding children, parents should find out what causes those children to hate their teachers and learning. Therefore, parents can find teachers who are more loved by their students and can inspire them to learn more.
  • Educational psychology provides strategies and methods to help teachers better understand their students’ psychology through the development of educational curricula that are tailored to the students’ abilities and aptitudes so that they are not overburdened, as well as research into the psychological issues that students face at various ages. To investigate student motivation in the learning and employment processes in order to bring students to a point of acceptance and good engagement, and therefore to ensure the educational process’s success.

Learning and learning processes are complicated processes that need the teacher’s ongoing growth of educational abilities and teaching methods to meet general and specialized educational goals, attain these goals, and guarantee that the educational process effectively achieves them. Therefore, teachers and parents should learn and understand carefully about educational psychology to find the best educational methods for their children and exploit all their kids’ potential.

At Project Sprouts, we realize that we can not solve all the problems of poverty in a situation like this. But we can seek to make a difference in the lives of needy children by giving them school supplies and encouraging them to continue their education; we can give them winter coats, boots, and blankets to help them stay warm during the cold winter months.

Project Sprouts would love to have you be a part of our community and help us help worthy children in North Vietnam. We cannot solve all the world’s problems, but we can do our part to help poor kids grow by giving school supplies, winter coats, boots, and other supplies.

You can find out more about Project Sprouts by clicking here or going to our give now page to donate by clicking here. As we are a grassroots organization, all funds go to help those in need.

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You can learn more by reading What Makes A Good Education System? by clicking here.

James Johnstone
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