Should Schools Be Responsible For Teaching Social Skills And Non-Academic Courses?

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“Education is the most important weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela

For a long time, education has played an indisputable role around the globe. However, it is critical to utilize it correctly to enjoy the greatest benefits. School curricula are usually a source of heated discussion. Many people have recently proposed that schools should solely be responsible for teaching academic abilities, rather than social skills. While these individuals provide some logical and helpful analyses, I feel that they do not represent the entire picture.

Some proponents argue that teaching social skills should be the responsibility of the parents rather than the school and that kids should learn on their own. For certain families, that may be appropriate, but most parents are not professional instructors, and students cannot be teachers.

As a result, despite having a strong social skills foundation, they now understand how to properly instill those values in their children. Schools can create preset social subject content and make it available to parents, as well as require their staff to adhere to such plans.

Second, schools have the necessary instruments to carry out that responsibility. They have competent instructors, a collaborative educational atmosphere, and effective curriculums that have been developed over time. Those benefits are quite difficult to obtain at home. Not just because most parents lack understanding or expertise in ethical and social issues, but also because their job schedules are extremely demanding.

Today’s children spend more time in school with their instructors and peers than they do with their parents. As a result, they are more affected and shaped at schools than at home. As a result, it is acceptable to suggest that schools have that obligation.

Social skills development enhances kids’ academic achievement, health, and general well-being while effectively reducing a range of problems such as alcohol and drug use, aggression, truancy, and bullying. Social-emotional skills, academic achievement, conduct at school, at home, and in the community, self-and other perceptions, and social interactions are all considerably improved by effective social skills development in schools. Simultaneously, it lowers the students’ levels of emotional discomfort.

Learning social skills is linked to improved academic achievement and school attitudes. Students who get social skills education have more favorable views about school and their standardized achievement exams increase by 11%, according to a substantial meta-analysis conducted by The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).

Learning social skills assists young people in preparing for success in transition and adulthood. Students’ communication with peers and adults improves, as does cooperative collaboration, and they become more successful, compassionate, and concerned members of their communities as a result of social skills development.

Simultaneously, it teaches children how to create and achieve individual objectives, as well as how to persevere, these abilities are critical for their smooth transition into maturity, employment, and life.

In conclusion, I believe that schools should be responsible for teaching social skills in order to help students to prepare for a better future.

At Project Sprouts, we realize that we can not solve all the problems of poverty in a situation like this. But we can seek to make a difference in the lives of needy children by giving them school supplies and encouraging them to continue their education; we can give them winter coats, boots, and blankets to help them stay warm during the cold winter months.

Project Sprouts would love to have you be a part of our community and help us to help worthy children in North Vietnam. 

You can find out more about Project Sprouts by clicking here or go to our give now page to donate by clicking here. As we are a grassroots organization, all funds go to help those in need.

Is Education In Vietnam Free?

The main education goal in Vietnam has always been “improving people’s general knowledge, training quality human resources, and nurturing and fostering talent.” To fulfill this objective, excluding financial burdens to make education accessible to more children is compulsory. In other words, the tuition fee should not be a reason for a kid to discontinue his or her education. So, is Education In Vietnam Free?

You can find out more by reading Is Education In Vietnam Free? by clicking here.

4 Reasons Why Education Can Change People’s Lives

In this day and age, education becomes more and more important than ever, especially in “The Fourth Industrial Revolution.” One of the facts that we can observe obviously is that there are a larger number of people who study at universities or colleges for Bachelors degree and Master degree than there were in the past. The reason for this phenomenon is that society now requires people to have a high education level to get a good job and have a stable life.

You can find out more by reading I4 Reasons Why Education Can Change People’s Lives by clicking here.

James Johnstone
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